Thursday, December 10, 2009

Think on These Things.....

One of my Mom's favorite Bible verses:

Finally, bretheren, whatever things are true, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever thngs are of good report,if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy- meditate on these things.
- Phillipians 4:8

This reminder has gotten me through many days.

Today, the lovely things I am meditating on are:

Easy recipes that my 5 year old can make almost by herself.

(This crecent chicken recipe was posted on Megan's whatever blog)

Christmas music playing on our Hello Kitty music box.

Watching Brooke get excited about "getting" to rinse off my dishes.

Finding my Grandma Suderman's apron in my is always fun to wear. Especially with zig zags.

Three smiley watering cans.

Things that remind me of my friends. A sketch of peppers from Sheri.

The Chicken Soup book that has Jamie's story in it
Flowers will always make me smile!!!!
Dancing to "Blue Christmas" with my little man.

I could think about the cold, the breathing treatments, the laundry downstairs, how hard it is for little ones to get along...all need to be addressed, but I will meditate on the good. Thank you, God for this verse.

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