Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Love of Learning

So, I've completed the first "semester" of homeschooling with my girls and niece. I've learned a lot of ways not to do things. Things like:

Don't plan to do too much in a day. Just doing hair takes forever.

Doing things the hard way does not make you a saint. It makes you a grouch.

Don't expect the day to go smoothly. Plan for rough spots and celebrate it when it doesn't go as planned.

And don't be surprised when you're surprised. These things spice up life.

I know I have a LOT more to learn about this, but I feel a little seasoned now.

I have reduced my goals for the year. Don't get me wrong, we have learned much and are not behind. I want them to be at the place that if they needed to go to a school they would not have troubles adjusting because they are behind. However, my main goal is to develop a love for learning. I have noticed this with my oldest, if they have a love for learning, everything else will follow. Sometimes this love is stronger than others, but there is a joy when it is all said and done. I learned something new today.

I don't think I had that as a first grader.....and now I am finding out what I missed out on then. I really don't want to admit the things I don't know and am just learning now. I will admit, however, that one of the reasons why I love homeschooling is because I didn't do it right the first time around so here is my chance to catch up on what I missed. I love to learn now.

Since it is a holiday week it is fairly relaxing, but I asked the girls what they would like to learn about this week. Savannah said magnets. Summer and Brooke both said babies. Ellie said antibodies....what the....?????

So now I must refresh my knowledge of antibodies. Happy learning!

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