Thursday, January 19, 2012

Princess Party

I got an invitation today for a princess party.

I was to wear my fanciest dress......I didn't want to do it.

But I've said no enough.

It was to start at 2:05. I was three minutes late. And I heard about it. I apologized.

They had sandwiches and hot chocolate. They made me coffee. (it was way too strong).

They cleaned a small part of my basement, so the party was surrounded by boxes and laundry that needed to be folded.

Someone smeared peanut butter on my fancy dress. My coffee was spilled. We watched a movie about a princess and a unicorn. I did not take pictures.

You cannot imagine their excitement. Brooke sat on my lap. Summer put her head on my shoulder. Savannah beamed with pride. Max was a stinker.

They planned. They counted down the minutes until the starting time. They prepared. They worked together- and did not fight. They enjoyed it. They got me to sit down and just be there with them.

They didn't even mind cleaning up afterward.

Princess parties are good.

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