Thursday, February 23, 2012


Christ has broken my heart today several times in one way or another. Whether it be sex slavery or beautiful orphan babies with down syndrome wasting away or unfair situations right under my nose, it has broken.

And I simply could not stay broken because it affects everything I do. So I prayed and the answer was, "be a part of the solution." My sorrow turned to hope.

I could not imagine what it is like to be the kind of person so dedicated to the cause that they are there, at risk, saving lives from slavery. I'm just not there. But I still can be a part of the solution.

Coincidentally, today began lent. This is not something I have always taken part in, because I thought it was another religious act. The last few years, however, I have been excited for a fast....growth......seeing what God will do next. And I would like my children to be involved.

I'd like to share it because I think fasts can be many different things. Fasting foods is fine, but there are many other ways to sacrifice and build a relationship with God.

As a family:
1. Clean out an area of our house each day- but before we start, pray for wisdom to know what to keep and what to give away. I don't usually have a problem parting with clutter, but the kids do. I think we have quite a bit that could either be given to someone in need or to be given in order to sell, in which the money will be used to help the needy.

2. We will observe no meat on Fridays as well. I feel as though this type of fast appropriate for small children and is attainable.

For myself:
1. Read Isaiah 58 each day and pray for God to show me how to show his love and the strength to do it.

2. Sacrifice for my family. These are so personal for each one of us but, for example, I will be getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup for my husband. Really, this is a sacrifice. :) Basically, thinking of how to serve them, and hopefully making it a habit!

There is a good article about kids and lent here.

My day ended with a sermon on fighting our Goliaths. Fitting.

Neither eye has seen nor ear has heard what God has planned for me! I love HIM!
Today I am thankful for:
1. Church
2. A beautiful day
3. A personal God

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