Thursday, November 18, 2010


The worst thought to wake up to:

I have nothing to feed the kids for breakfast!!!

So though a little out of the box, not too much but coffee cake is not a typical breakfast for us. I get out the recipe....notice we have all of the ingredients....start making.

I ask Brookie to help since she is the chef for this month. She measured the sugar and flour and unwrapped the butter while I did a few dishes leftover from the night before. The others were dancing to Veggie Tales Dance Dance Dance.I thought I was a genius.

Until I realize I was confusing two different recipes and had only added 1/2 cup sugar but the correct recipe called for 2 cups. Big difference. So I did a few things a little out of order.

Brookie is 4. She is not the neatest of my chefs, but she gets an A for effort. She measured, I mixed. She cracked the eggs, I fished out the eggshells. We both snitched. Somehow amidst the chaos of getting drinks, doing dishes, and managing my preschooler, I missed the fact that Max had dropped 3 eggs on the floor, was sitting in a pool of raw eggs, and munching on the eggshells.

I started to clean them up and threw the eggshells in the trash. As I went to get a rag to clean out the rest, he was retrieving the shells from the trashcan! I took him to the tub and asked one of the older girls to sit with him, which kept him occupied until the cake was mixed up.

After the cake was in the oven, I got him dressed. The older girls are very proud of the fact they are able to put a diaper on him themselves. I am very happy to have the help.

Back in the kitchen, my clean Max climbed up on the folding chair Brooke had used to cook. As I walked in I saw him dumping out an entire box of baking soda.

I threw up my hands. Pop tarts from now on. (kidding)

The finished cake had a peak as tall as a mountain on it, but it was good. Savannah said it tasted like coffee. ?

On the bright side, Brooke learned how to measure flour. I know this will benefit me some day.

P.S. I thought about snapping a few pics, but was afraid what would happen if I went to go find my camera...


  1. This is Dawn. What an adventure! I think you just might be safer using the floor as your mixing bowl and increase the quantity ;). You need some chickens! Then you'd have eggs all the time! Did you know that in the city of Chicago it is legal to keep chickens in your backyard? I'm in the suburbs and that is a different story...but Kansas here I come! (they even eat their own eggshells so it's a completely green cycle!) I'm glad the girls are helping out with Max, and the coffee cake sounds like it turned out great!

  2. Dawn-
    I would love some chickens! Just not in this house- it's already too crowded! We are thinking of moving closer to "home" too. I miss the open spaces!We'll see what happens..

  3. Just reading your posts (a little late).
    This is one reason that I struggle with having the girls help in the kitchen. Oh well, what's a little mess. And we do have chickens in town!! Lots of fresh eggs. Let me know sometime when we can get together! I can't wait to hear about your plans of moving "closer" to home!

  4. lol Dana- If I take Max out of the equasion, I am just as messy as the other girls. Hope to see you soon!
