
The magical powers of the band-aid! If a child can stick one of those babies on, they can experience a little bit of nursing.

I am not a nurse- but I have seen them at work!

They are good at band-aids. They are caring, they know about the human body, and the good ones make a not-so-pleasant experience more enjoyable. A great nurse is a special person.

What we do:

Responsibilities of the nurse:
Respond to ouches and accidents with care.
Assess what is needed.
Use healing words.
Keep inventory of the first-aid kit.

Preschoolers can:
Ask questions- "Are you okay?" "Where does it hurt?"
Get band-aids when needed.
Pick out band-aids at the store.
Make the hurt person feel comfortable.

As they get older:
Talk about how to prevent infections.
Watch a wound heal- scab, etc.
Learn about different ouchies. (burns, scrapes, bumps)
Be familiar with the first aid kit.

How we can apply this:
Read books about the human body.
Talk about different body parts, systems.
Assemble skeletons.
Take height and weight, plot on growth chart.
Pretend play with dolls.

Character building:
Caring when someone is hurt.
Staying calm when someone is not.
Thinking about how others are feeling.