Sunday, June 17, 2012

He's The Music, I'm The Lyrics

One movie we agree on is Music and Lyrics. It's not family friendly- we just like it.

I don't think that I will ever master how marriage works, but after ten years I have a better understanding.

I plan, I compose the day, I set goals, I make the meals (mostly), I am in charge over almost everything about this family.... but the art of it all is my planning is not the end of the matter. How this family environment works is ultimately up to the music....Dad.

The music can take the words in different directions, imply feeling, and enhance expression. It can make the lyrics or bring them to no meaning at all.

This has frustrated me at times, but alas, it is refreshing for me to put my thoughts, plans, and ideas out there and just see what happens. The responsibility of the end is his....and if he fails, it's God's, who is also the inspiration of the words.

We make a good, him, and God. I wonder where this will take us in the next 10 years.

Now to His who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.... Ephesians 3:20

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