Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Bleeding can be a dramatic experience here.
The tiniest scrape warrants a Band-Aid.

Our nurse is responsible for washing wounds and applying Band-Aids.

We wash to prevent infection.
And explain what will happen to the ouchie and how it amazingly fixes itself. This knowledge typically helps alleviate the drama, and they get to learn something about the amazing body!

It hurts because of your ouchie touched a nerve. Your nerves and your brain work together to send you a message. Yes, ouchies hurt.

It bleeds because your ouchie cut a blood vessel. It looks scary but a little blood is part of healing.

At first, your blood is thin, but will thicken and clot to stop the bleeding so we usually won't need to replace the Band-Aid. You can check it every once and a while to see if it has stopped. Just be sure you wash your hand before you look!

White blood cells are like soldiers that come to the rescue and fight germs and prevent infections that our washing may not have caught.

After the bleeding stops, it is important to take off the Band-Aid and let a scab form. This scab protects the wound while new skin is formed. It is important to leave the scab there! It will go away when the new skin is ready!

You might see a scar after the scab falls off. That's okay!

Do you have any scars? A have a few from the chicken pox.

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